
Rid, T and P McBurney (2012) "Cyber-Weapons" The RUSI Journal, vol 157, iss 1, February, 6-13, DOI:10.1080/03071847.2012.664354 

What are cyber-weapons? Instruments of code-borne attack span a wide spectrum, from generic but low-potential tools to specific but high-potential weaponry. This distinction brings into relief a two-pronged hypothesis that stands in stark contrast to some of the received wisdom on cyber-security. Maximising the destructive potential of a cyber-weapon is likely to come with a double effect: it will significantly increase the resources, intelligence and time required for development and deployment – and more destructive potential is likely to decrease the number of targets, the risk of collateral damage and the political utility of cyber-weapons.

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Covered by

“Ansteckende Neugier,” Der Spiegel, 23/2012, p. 124

BBC Radio 5, 31 May 2012


RUSI podcast, 23 April 2012


On Cyberwar HypeSchneier on Security, 14 March 2012

What are Cyber Weapons?Infosec Island, 14 March 2012, reposted from Cyber Arms

Radio interview (7.47min), Monocle 24, 6 March 2012


Why Anonymous will never be able to take down the power grid,” Jerry Brito, 27 February 2012

The cyber-weapons paradox,” The Register, 24 February 2012